English Grammar - Reading, Enjoying And Learning - Book II Exercises With Answers

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Staudohar, Lúcia Gianotti (veja mais livros deste autor)
Edições Inteligentes (Zamboni)(veja mais livros desta editora)

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Exercises and Answers to the Exercises: The first part of the Book II is provided with plenty of exercises wich set the grammar in context. The main emphasis of the Book is the practice material, enabling the student to test what he has learn as well as the power of his concentration. The second part of the book is dedicated to active learning, containing the correct answers to the exercises to test how well the students has assimilated the grammar. In case his answers is not correct he must study the matter again to find out where he has been wrong and why. What About the Tests: the tests are best way to confirm the understanding about the explanation given in the Units. The division between Grammar Book and Test book is of major importance to real science of the modern didactics. The theory and practice approach produces the most concrete results, allowing the students to readily use what he has learnt through the exercises he has done. What About the Answers to the Tests: The knowledge of the results about yhe formulated test is, incontestably, very important because it can help the student to decide which parts of the grammar to concentrate on. On the other hand, the absence of the results should be negative because it may cause the fixation on the mistakes, or even, any uncertainty in regard to the right answers. So, it is important to do the exercises and to check the answers. The two book contain exactly these two inseparable combinations: grammar reference and practice exercises which sum up how and why the language works and how to use it correctly.

Ficha técnica

Código de barras:
1.86cm x 15.00cm x 20.00cm
1ª-Edição 2007
Data da Edição:
Edições Inteligentes (Zamboni)
Inglês - Português
Número de páginas:
465 gramas
Ano de publicação:
Brochura/Capa Mole
Ensino de Línguas;Idioma;Linguística;Formas;Línguas